21 January Recording with Tullberg and Ralsgård
30 January Frispel in Växjö
21 February Nominated as tradition keeper at Folk&Världsmusikgalan 2014
22 February Mittfolk at Umeå Folk festival
14 March Concert with Zephyr in Rättvik
19 March Gjallarhorn and Norrdans in Blackpool Eng
20 March Gjallarhorn and Norrdans in Manchester Eng
21 March Gjallarhorn and Norrdans in Manchester Eng
29 March St Olaf with Niklas Roswall, Ulrika Bodén and Lars T Johansson
31 March Frispel Schoolconcert in Nora
1 April Frispel Schoolconcert and evening concert in Nora
2 April Frispel Schoolconcert in Nora
5 April Workshop and Concert in Mark
12 April Concert with Mittfolk in Härnösand
24 April Concert in Gothenburg with Serikon and Lena Willemark
25 April Concert in Gothenburg with Serikon and Lena Willemark
27 April Concert with Per Gross in Stockholm
15-16 May Recording with Susanna Moberg in Gothenburg
3 June Concert with Mittfolk Stadshuset Sundsvall
6 June Soloperformance for the Swedish King and Queen in Ånge
7 June Concert with Tullberg and Ralsgård at Ransäter festival
9 June Family concert with Frispel in Stockholm
21 June Solo performance in Bergsjö church
26 June Concert with Per Gross in Bromma church
29 June Gjallarhorn and Norrdans in Warzaw, Poland
20 July Concert with Mittfolk in Eldnäset
23 July Concert with Per Gross in Lidingö church
27 July Ett helgons bekännelser in Eldnäset
3 August Concert with Mittfolk at Urkult
13-17 August Folk Flute Academy Haverö summer courses
16 August Concert with Taro Matsumoto in Eldnäset
17 August Concert with Mittfolk in Skönsmons church
24 August Concert with Mittfolk in Vibstavarv, Timrå
24-25 September Workshop with Zephyr at Sibelius academy, Finland
25 September Concert with Zephyr and Wind on Wind, Sibelius academy, Finland
26 September Concert with Zephyr in Kouvola, Finland
28 September Concert in Gustavsbergs church
7-9 October Workshop and concerts with Månsson, Jones and Kindbom in Jakobsstad, Finland
9 October Concert with Månsson, Jones and Kindbom in Jakobsstad, Finland
12 October Concert with Frispel in Ekerö church
17 October Concert with Mittfolk & GMB in Sundsvall
12 November Family Concert with Frispel in Sundsvall
13 November Family Concert with Frispel in Sundsvall
14 November Concert with Frispel in Torps church
29 November Concert in Jakobs church Stockholm
3-10 December Solo Tour in Osaka-Tokyo, Japan
14 December Christmas concert in Ulricehamn
18 December Performance with Mittfolk in Sundsvall
21 December Christmas concert in Sandhem
26 December Christmas concert in Uppenbarelse church, Stockholm